AUGUST - 2005


366 circular insights in the private life of RGF for a better understanding of his work by the 'accidental navigator'. This project will be made with one year + a day of images and texts.



01 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: OWN AND OTHER PEOPLE'S WORDS. Even to Edinburgh have arrived the spanish pamphlets against grants for the Church by the State.
02 - 08- 05: EDINBURGH: STREET FESTIVAL. Although the Festival have not started yet, the Royal Mile it is already already full of street performers (Spaniards most of them) making the oddest of things.
03 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: EVERY DAY. Caming out of the shower I can see a  mask that I bought in Katmandú... thirty years ago!!
04 - 08 - 05: MANCHESTER: OR THE 1001 PARKINGS. In the City Art Gallery, six seconds were enough to see the video of Beckhan sleeping (that lasts more than one hour!!).
05 - 08 - 05: MANCHESTER: OR THE 1001 PARKINGS. In Sackville park, it is remembered Alan Turing, the inventor of the Computer, that killed himself with a poisoned apple.
06 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: PRIVATE GARDEN. (No sach good news) Which strange illness made the gigantic Red Chestnut tree that is in the center of the garden, loose two immense branches? Could It be age?.
07 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: STREET FESTIVAL. As every year the Festival's Cavalcade  was  horrible.
08 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: REGENT TERRACE. ... An idea to be developed.
09 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: VISIT. Of Mark G. without Brian that still recovering of the cerebral stroke that almost kills him.
10 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FOUND OBJET. A drowned World (the other day in Canal St. Manchester)
11 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: Whose the tread that fits this mark?
12 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: WAITING (FOR GODOT). Closely watched over
13 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: VISIT. A urgencies doctor first thing in the morning, because I got dizzy when getting up (after so much work)
14 - 08 - 05:  EDINBURGH: STREET FESTIVAL. And it is not that I don't feel like it, but going every day to see something in the Festival will be a bit 'too much' 
15 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: REGENT TERRACE. Before going to the extraordinary concert given by the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra (dir. D. Baremboim) formed by Jewish, Christian & Arab youths , I was seeing the Norwegian Royal Gard playing in front of their consulate.
16 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FESTIVAL. In the Scottish version of  'Cómeme el coco, negro' by La Cubana, for not being politically correct, the title had to be changed: 'Nuts & Coconuts'
17 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FILM FESTIVAL. 'Wah Wah', the movie that opened the Festival was very good and also Nicholas Hoult the young main character.
18 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FESTIVAL. Of the many works about terrorism on show on the Festival,  I will only go to the John Adams' opera 'The dead of Klinghoffer' 
19 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FESTIVAL. I did not ike to be in the street on a friday night (After seeing the Swans Lake that bored me)
20 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FILM FESTIVAL. Like in the film 'Ronda nocturna'... another fallen angel.
21 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: STREET FESTIVAL. In Holyrood, huge gathering of pipers to enter in the Guiness Book of Records (and to consolidate the Scottish theme park!)
22 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: VISIT TO. Siobhan M. The name of her dog, Basil, that I thought that it came fom the Faulty Towers' sitcom character, it is in fact from the comic Basil Brush.
23 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FRINGE FESTIVAL. Raised in a round trapeze, Philippa V. performed as Audrey Hepburn in J. Binnie's  play 'Breakfast At Audrey's'
24 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FOUND OBJET. The spiral of eternal life (in Royal Terrace)
25 - 08 - 05: STREET FESTIVAL. The world... upside down.
26 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: FESTIVAL. Of what remains of the Festival, Beethoven's oratory ' Christ on the Mount of Olives' is  the show I most  look forward  to see.
27 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: ONE YEAR AGO IN. ISLE OF MAN. Dafne C. showed us the Celtic wheel cross of the Lonan old kirk, that hat has been 1300 years nailed in the same place
28 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: ONE YEAR AGO IN. ISLE OF MAN. The three legs, symbol of the island... even in the candies!
29 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH: ONE YEAR AGO IN. ISLE OF MAN. In Castle Rusen lives Gorrym (Blue) one of the few remaining tail-less cat typical of the Isle.
30 - 08 - 05: EDINBURGH - MADRID: One more summer... one summer less. (The summer without 'haar')
31 - 08 - 05: MADRID: WHAT DID I BUY IN... What did I buy last year in the Isle of Mann? well... nothing.